The read topics are not refreshed automatically in the same forum

• Jun 15, 2016 - 06:11

Since a few days, I observe this:

For example, I go on the forum "General Discussion"
I click on this topic:
I read it:
Expected result after exit (I move back the page with the exit left arrow) : the topic title is grayed
Invert 2.jpg

Actual result: the topic title is still active (as the first image)

To receive the expected result, you must either refresh the page (well, a bit fastidious to do each time) or change the forum (and then return on the previous)

It's just a little confusing when you have a page with a lot of unread topics, and therefore, you do not know what subjects you have just read, the ones you have not read etc. And so, on each forum, issue tracker.


Isn't it normal to need to refresh manually to update a page after pressing the Back button? It is in every browser I can remember using. Browsers normally cache pages for efficiency.

In reply to by cadiz1

Perhaps a browser update or setting changed for you, then? As I said, I cannot ever remember things working differently - not on this or any other forum. Maybe my browser caches more aggressively than yours, and now your browser is starting to cache more aggressively too. Perhaps there is an option to prevent that? I suspect there is some sort of HTML hint a page can provide to discourage caching, but this forum has never done that for me. So either the hint was never being provided, or my browser has been ignoring it.

I guess Thomas would know more...

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ah, it is possible (if not likely) that I found the culprit, ie the last update of my browser: Firefox (Version 47.0)

I observed this "behavior" on my two main computers. But not with the third one, that I had not used since one or two months. With an older version (45.0.2), I observed the usual and expected behavior after using the Back button (ie the topic title was disabled-greyed)

Alas, after the update (so 47.0) of the browser there is a few minutes, this bad behavior appeared... arhhh ...
I do not know yet if a setting can change this, if I have to go to the assistance of Firefox, or if I should wait for a next update :(

In reply to by cadiz1

You could, but I'm afraid it'll get filed as 'by design'. As Marc mentioned (and my experience indicates) most browsers already work in the exact same manner, caching as much as possible; which in many cases is the 'smart' thing to do.

You might want to reach out to them on irc, the #firefox channel either on freenode or mozilla and ask about this.

If it's configurable, try navigating to about:config and search for 'cache' in those settings, perhaps you can get lucky.

*Disclaimer* Non-Firefox person posting this :)

There is an elegant solution for this. If someone can deliver me Javascript (jQuery) code which will change the src of the td.icon when the a.title or a.replies is clicked, then this will solve the problem. I did such a solution for Jojo back in the days:

In reply to by Thomas

Great, thanks.
A bit funny: just before reading your reply, I sent a feedback (on a dedicated page of Firefox) a little bitter... about this developpment of the last 47.0 update! :)

About deliver to you "Javascript (JQuery)", I fear I can help not at all! :(

In reply to by Thomas

Tested on Vivaldi via the console:

$('td.title a, td.replies a').on('click', function() {
	var myRow = $(this).parent().parent();
	var iconDummyAnchor = myRow.find('td.icon a');
	//link to an unread thread if (iconDummyAnchor.length != 0)
	if (iconDummyAnchor.length) {
		var img = iconDummyAnchor.find('img').detach();
		img.attr('src', '/misc/forum-default.png');
		//now remove the new replies link
		myRow.find('td.replies').find('br, a').remove();

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