MIDI keyboard notations

• Jul 23, 2011 - 01:08

I got a MIDI keyboard. It does great putting the correct notes on the sheet music. However, can MuseScore figure out the time signature and types of notes (whole, half, etc.) when I play the song on the keyboard? I don't have much concept of what types of notes I am playing on the keyboard. Thanks!


No, you have to pick a duration via the computer keyboard or mouse. Enter as many an you have in a row of that duration, then change to the next duration. With a MIDI keyboard, you have to be very careful to take all your fingers off the keyboard so that MuseScore will advance to the next duration. If you have any key still held down, it'll add any new keypresses to create a chord.

It's very difficult to devise a program that would tell the duration of note you wanted by how long you pressed the key. You'd have to play with extreme precision to, for instance, be sure you got a whole note rather than a whole note tied to a sixteenth. People can do rubato, computers not so much.....

-- J.S.

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