Dynamic changes in playback

• Jul 25, 2011 - 16:35

OK-you all helped me with the tempo problem-I solved it-thank you.
Now to the next question-I wrote a 4 part choral arrangement using the hymn template-so-soprano and alto in the treble clef tenor and bass in the bass clef.
Is it possible to have one or two parts playing back louder than the other two?
For the most part, I didn't write it using the 1,2,3,4 to select different parts-sometimes I did if there were different things going on rhythmically, but the for the most part I simply layered the notes one top of each other. Can notes that should sound louder be highlighted to effect predominance in the playback?


You could do it note by note... select a note -> note properties -> velocity type : user / velocity value (silent = 0, max volume = 127).

Dynamic marks (mf, f, p ...) can be associated with a staff only but not to a voice.

Generally speaking, even when different voices have the same rhtyhm, it would be notated with separate voices. If. Vhoir saw two notes with a stem up, they might think that was meant for the sopranos only to split, with the altos resting. Anyhow, if you do it that way, it might be possible to adjust the dynamics of all notes in given voice together.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have a gig at a church, and when I downloaded Musescore, I started experimenting with it and wound up writing a 4 part choral arrangement for their Christmas musical. It being a church choir,some of the sopranos have such a wide vibrato that not only could they sing two soprano parts, they could sing a soprano and alto part simultaneously! And I'm talking about both parts coming out of the same mouth at the same time!
Such is the life of a musician.

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