Anyone using MuseScore via remote desktop software on a tablet?

• Jul 27, 2011 - 22:17

Not that I'd expect this be really viable for serious use. But I was wondering if anyone has had any success at all doing this. Amd if on a iPad, which remote desktop app? I'd also be curious to hear about apps known *not* to work with MuseScore.


Just related to your question, I tried using Pad MIDI for MIDI input wireless. It works quite well on Mac. Installing the wireless midi driver on Windows would be little bit more complicated. I could write a tutorial if someone is interested. OSC and MIDI actions in MuseScore 2.0 would bring this remote control for MuseScore a step further.

Regarding remote desktop app, if they really work, there is no reason why they shouldn't work with MuseScore.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Sure enough, I just tried the free version of Splashtop, and it went without a hitch. It seems to have the reputation of being the fastest of the popular choices, but it was, as expected, still quite sluggish. But perfectly usable in a pinch to give a quick demo or whatever.

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