Corrupted file with 0/1 bars

• Jul 6, 2016 - 17:07

I have a corrupted file, made entirely with the same version of Musescore, that has 0/1 bars. These bars are just blank, and have no rest or notes in them.
This first appeared when I left the program on the computer running overnight, and in the morning they looked really weird and corrupted - definitely not what I had left them at. So I removed the content of the strange bars, and pressed the letter M.
Later, when I opened the file, Musescore said they were corrupt.
I tried writing into them, but they refused to let me.
I tried selecting them, and Musescore crashed.
I tried cmd+a then cmd+shift+del, but Musescore crashed.
I am using a MacBook Pro. 
How can I cure these bars (preferably without deleting them)?


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