Barlines before a time signature change

• Jul 7, 2016 - 13:43

MS 2.0.3 on Win 7/10.

Is there an easy way to notate double / end-repeat / final-repeat barlines before a time signature change, followed by a start repeat? As in the example below:


You can use a start repeat barline from the Master palette/Symbols, then use the Inspector to adjust the horizontal offset to make room for the 0 fingering on the G string.
See attachment.

Attachment Size
Example.mscz 5.86 KB

In reply to by geetar

Oh... so now you also want *playback*...
[Insert clause here about MuseScore as primarily a notation software] :-)

OK... so for playback here's a way:
Since it seems that a start repeat placed immediately following an end repeat combines into a end-start repeat, you can avoid this by creating a measure with an actual duration of 1/64th note, make the 1/64th rest invisible, then using the Inspector, move the 'c' time signature into this measure.
Open the file and click on menu item: View/Show invisible to see this 'invisible measure':
The 'invisible measure' is actually the third measure of 6/4 with an actual duration of 1/64th (changed in measure properties). The end repeat is placed in measure 2; the common time signature is placed in measure 4, then moved across the start repeat bar line into this 'invisible measure' - i.e. measure 3. This way the repeat bar lines work - and they don't combine.


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Nice one. Works for staff/tab pairs as well.

There is also another way that preserves playback properties (but doesn't work for staff/tab). Add an End-start repeat barline, then hide it. Add start and end repeat barlines to the chord before the time sig (from master palette/symbols section), and move them into position. Then adjust the "leading space" of the first note after the time signature change.

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