Define text styles for use across all scores?

• Jul 9, 2016 - 15:47

Any way to do this?

I'm guessing that styles defined for one score can be copy/pasted from an uncompressed version of the musescore file where they're first defined into a different score. So first of all: Is that true? i.e., is there no "style counter" or other piece of meta information that would be put out of sync if I just copy the markup text for the desired styles from one score into another?

That's better than nothing, if it works; but I'd prefer the ability to define them so they stay with Musescore; in the same way, let's say, that one can define styles in a Microsoft Word document and specify that they be included in the standard style sheet used by Word for all new documents.



You could so that I guess, but there are much easier / more direct ways of doing the load. Once you have set up a score the way you like, you can save it to your Templates folder, which will automatically make it available when creating scores in the future, and those new scores will inherit the styles. You can also use Style / Save Style to save your stylle information to a file in your Styles folder, then you can load that into any other score. You can also specify that style file to be used by default when crerating new scores from scratch (as opoposed to from a template), via Edit / Preferences / Score.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Goodness yes, those are much better ways to do it!

I completely missed the Save Style and Load Style options on the Styles menu.

The use of templates is more of a hidden option, since the templates have the same file format and extension as regular score files and there is therefore no "Template" option in the Save As dialog. (For the record, I'm used to the Microsoft Office model where a Word document is a .docx and a template is a .dotx, and there is a Template option in the Save As dialog, which also resets the default save as folder to the Template folder).

In any event, those two facilities give me everything I could want in this department. Thanks very much for calling my attention to them.

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