Fretboard Diagrams - Help needed please.

• Jul 11, 2016 - 06:01

Hi everybody,
I am trying to populate the fretboard diagrams palette with a selection of common chords. No options appear in the menu for this and I can't drag and drop. Presently there is only one diagram in the palette which I need to change every time (both chords and strings). Is there something I am missing. This is the only function I really miss from Sibelius and I am hoping somebody has a quick fix!
With thanks and best wishes


First of all, if you only see a single diagram, the reason is that you are using an earlier version. I suggest you to update (2.0.3 version). About twenty fretboard diagrams were added by default in the palette.
Then, for adding new diagrams: create a custom workspace via Edit -> Workspace, or via the small "+" at the page bottom under the Palettes panel.
Then, do not forget to enable editing by: right-click on a palette -> tick "Enable editing"
Finally, for adding the new diagrams created, press continuously Ctlr + Shift, and drag and drop the new ones in the palette.

In reply to by cadiz1

Thanks there are more fretboard diagrams in the new version. I still am unable to add new diagrams. The ctlr + shift and changes the position of the chord on the page (attached by the dotted line) I cannot transfer it to the fretboard palette or any custom palette. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Thanks,

In reply to by jjmmuir

Probably, you have not completed these steps mentioned in the previous message:

"Then, for adding new diagrams: create a custom workspace via Edit -> Workspace, or via the small "+" at the page bottom under the Palettes panel.
Then, do not forget to enable editing by: right-click on a palette -> tick "Enable editing"

Eg, have you succeeds to create a custom workspace? See:
If yes, you have to allow the content editing of the palette. Like this:

In reply to by cadiz1

Hi - thanks again for your assistance. I have gone ahead and created the custom palette and have enabled for editing. I can no delete fretboard diagrams I don't need which is great.
I still haven't been able to drag the chords into the palette and am not sure what i am doing wrong. I am holding down control-shift (and many other combinations) but nothing works. The long dotted line stays connected to the chord diagram as it dissappears behind the palette.
Can't seem to get this step right....
Thanks again for any feedback.

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