Score translation

• Jul 12, 2016 - 13:51

Several weeks ago I started a thread concerning transposing a work written for cello to be played by a tenor sax. Then I got both busy and sick and didn't follow up on the replies. One member suggested I post the work to the forum, and so I'm doing that. First, a bit explanation:
I've manually, note by note, expression by expression, entered the cello part for the 1st movement of Dvorak's New World Symphony into MuseScore. My intention is to convert the movement to tenor sax so I can play along with an orchestral recording of the work. Ultimately I want to do this for the rest of the work, as well as many other favorite classical works.
I play tenor in the Huntsville Concert Band. We occasionally perform a few heavy classical works, but nowhere near enough to satisfy me. Hence, this task.
I an attaching what I have to transpose.
I recognize that the cello's range exceeds that of a tenor sax, but that's OK - I'll just transpose up or down an octave to get it into playable range.
Thank you all so much for helping me with this.
Carl Neste

Attachment Size
New World Symphony 1st Movement.mscz 36.33 KB


Doing the transposition is simple enough. Best way is probably to right click somewhere on a staff, Staff Properties, Change Instrument, select Tenor Saxophone. This does the transposition, then you just need to change the clef - drag from the palette to the first measure. To change the octave of any given passage, select it and hit Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down.

1. Right-click on the staff, choose Staff Properties...
2. Click the Change Instrument button on the right, choose Tenor Sax, OK.
3. You'll need to separately change the clef. Drag the treble clef from the Clefs palette on the left onto the first measure.
4. Scan through for passages in which the notes appear red (for example, measures 13–18), and transpose those passages up or down an octave.
5. Readjust anything else that also needs to change.


6. Take care of something you should have done long ago: replace all your stretched-out one-note hairpins and slurs with ones that actually cover the notes you want them to. Start by flat-out deleting them. Then select the notes you want to be included and press the appropriate key (or double-click the one in the Lines palette) to restore one that will work properly.

Thanks to both of you for that. Isaac, I didn't realize that my method of stretching slurs and ties (as well as a few others) wasn't the correct procedure. That'll be a big job, but worth it.
This will take a while, but I do it and get back to the forum if things don't go as expected.
Carl Neste

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