pdf disappears

• Jul 19, 2016 - 23:45

I'm attaching two scores. One is a Musescore file, the other a pdf exported from that file. As you can see, the Musescore file has an image on the first page, but the exported pdf file has only a blank space where the image was.

I have made at least one other Musescore score with a similar image on the first page, and the pdf export of that score shows the image ok (will post on request.)

Both the attached score and the other were were made with Musescore 2.0.3 as a revision of a score made with a previous version, but I don't know which version these two scores originally were.

I have W10.

I know people have reported problems with pdf files, but I haven't seen this exact one before.

Any ideas?

Attachment Size
threedirgesnew.mscz 239 KB
threedirgesnew.pdf 227.04 KB


The image seems to have issue even in the MSCZ file - takes forever to display on my system. It looks like you attached the image to a rest on the second page then dragged it right off the page onto the first page. That won't work. You need to attach it to the frame on the first page.

To fix this, you will need to delete the image - tricky since it can't even be selected right now - and re-add it. I was able to delete it by moving the rest of the first measure top staff and moving it far enough to the right that the image re-eappeared on the second page. You can then select it there and delete it.

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