Секстаккорд и sus2, sus4

• Aug 2, 2011 - 17:39

Здравствуйте! Подскажите пожалуйста, как нотно отобразить правильно
1 sus4 - задержание терцового тона с предполагаемым разешением.
2 секстаккорд. (D6)
3 квартсекстаккорд. (D64)
4 минорное трезвучие (Cm)
5 sus6.

чтобы это отобразилось при проигрывании, а не просто в виде комментария.
Помогите, кто понимает!


Can anyone translate that? I can say that 6, sus2, sus4, and minor are definitely all supported chord types in MuseScore 1.1. I think "sus2" might not have been in previous versions? And depending on which chord description style you are using (Style->Edit general Style->Chordnames), the abbreviation for "minor" might be "mi" or "-" instead of "m".

"64" is not a normal chord symbol, however - it's a an inversion symbol used in Roman numeral anaylsis as opposed to chord symbols.

In reply to by Михаил

The D64 that displays in your score is not an actual chord symbol - it won't transpose correctly, for example. If you are wanting a second inversion D triad, the way to get that in chord symbol notation is "D/A". At least, that's how it's done in the US and other countries I know of. Do you often see "64" in Russia? If so, then it should probably be added to MuseScore, although I am not sure how it should be handled.

Similarly, the D6 that appears in your score is actually D-F#-A-B. I'm guessing you really meant a first inversion D triad - F#-A-D. This is written "D/F#".

I'm hoping you can understand what I write, or that Google translate does an adequate job translating for you.

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