New Score template

• Jul 22, 2016 - 00:25
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

Is there a way to create a template that duplicates the Grand Staff EXCEPT that the barlines (measure separators) do not extend between the treble and bass clefs?
If there is a way to do this, I was unable to find it in the documentation.

And/Or is there a way to remove the barlines between the clefs in a current score?

GIT commit: 3c7a69d


Barlines in a grand staff can be modified so that they do not span both staves. First open the Inspector (type F8). Next, right-click on a barline, then click on Select>All Similar Elements in Same Staff. All the barlines in the grand staff should turn blue. Finally, in the Inspector, change the "Spanned Staves" parameter from '2' to '1'.

The barlines will be adjusted so they only span one staff.

BTW, for support questions such as this, it is better to post in the "Support and Bug Reports" forum rather than the Issue Tracker.