Tie Chords bug - does not create new notes for chord ties

• Aug 12, 2011 - 13:34
S5 - Suggestion

1)when you have a single note selected and click on tie, it'll create a new note and tie both of them together.
2)This does work with chords. When you select the stem for the first part of the tie and then click on "+", nothing happens. The workaround is to create notes for both the beginning and end of the tie, go back to the first part of the tie and then click on tie.

3)I should be able to create a chord, select the stem, click on tie, and it'll create a tie (with newly created notes).


See my comment in the other report. I think you mistaken about what is happening. New notes are created only when clicking the tie button while in Note Entry mode. This is true for single notes as well.

Now, as a feature request, I'd agree there should be a way to create a tie for chords while in Note Entry mode. Either by having a way to select the chord prior to hitting tie button, or perhaps impelemnting something like, holding shift or ctrl while clicking the tie nutton makes it apply to all notes.

But I'm not seeing the current behavior as a bug per se.

"Now, as a feature request, I'd agree there should be a way to create a tie for chords while in Note Entry mode. Either by having a way to select the chord prior to hitting tie button, or perhaps impelemnting something like, holding shift or ctrl while clicking the tie nutton makes it apply to all notes."

Yes, that is exactly what I'm talking about.

I guess this should be a feature request.
I listed it as a bug, because it works for single notes in Note Entry, but not for chords.
So i wasn't sure, if something was crashing and note allowing the tie to occur.

There needs to be a way to select the stem in Note Entry mode.
That way, you can have the stem selected and click on Tie to tie all the notes in the chord.

Again, it really does work the same way for notes as for chords right now in Note Entry mode. Whatever is selected when you hit the tie button, a new one gets created and tied to the current one. So there is no bug or inconsistency here with respect to ties. It's just that there is no way to select a chord while in Note Entry mode. So it's not new behavior with respect to ties that is needed - just a way to select chords, independently of whether you plan to then use the tie or not.

Or, as I mentioned, a way to extend the tie to the whole chord, but I think a way to select a chord would also be useful in other situations. Actually, there sort of is a way to select a chord while in Note Entry mode - hitting shift-down - but it actually tries to extend the selection to the next staff down if there is one, and it puts you into a sort of middle state between note entry and not, it seems. It still says you are in note entry mode, but you get a blue rectangle like you weren't. Hitting the tie button while in this state does really strange things.

BTW, note that it isn't that helpful to think in terms of selecting a *stem*, because what about chords made of whole notes? It should be about selecting a chord, not selecting a stem.

No. The other issue appears to be describing some sort or minor discrepancy in highlighting that apparently means requiring one extra click when entering multiple tied chords. This feature request is not about multiple chords but about creating even a single tied chord - wanting a way to enter a new tied chord while in Note Entry mode (although original appeared to also be requesting a way to add new tied notes or chords while *not* in note entry mode).

Status (old) active patch (code needs review)

I submitted a PR to tie chords in note input mode:


It works automatically: after entering a chord, simply pressing the tie button creates the new chord and ties all notes. The old behavior where only a single note of the chord is tied just doesn't seem useful enough to me to keep as the default. If you want to have only a single note tied from within a chord, you would still be able to achieve that effect by entering the tie while *not* in note input mode.