Help needed for Notation Alignment

• Aug 10, 2016 - 15:26

Hello Musescore,

Is there any way where I could correct the notes in both system so that it would be align nicely?

Thank you.

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We may better help you, if you share the score rather than a Picture if it. But I guess the apparenty manually moved chord symbols might have cuased the offset of the notes

Moving chord symbols would not normally move notes. Indeed, we need to see the actual score to say for sure what is going on. Notes *do* normally align by default, so my best guess is you did something to cause them to not align (eg, maybe you adjusted the horizontal offset in the Inspector), and you simply need to undo that to get it back the way it should be.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hmm, I have probably figure out it's because of the spacing. Once I standardize for each system containing 6 bars, it had finally align.

Nonetheless, apart from this issue, I am trying to only select the chord symbols. Nevertheless, when I deselect the Voice 1, it will also deselect the chord symbols as well. Is there a way to just select the chords only instead of the notes/Voice 1?

In reply to by MusicFreedom

Number of measures on a system should have nothing to do with it. Notes that happen at the same time *will* align by default. Your picture shows notes that do *not* align, and that should only be possible if you yourself did something to change the alignment. But once again, without seeing the actual score, we cannot be of further help in figuring out what you might have done.

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