Problem with extra garbage on object selection

• Aug 17, 2016 - 18:42

I don't actually know what to call this problem I'm having. It seems like it should just be an option somewhere but I can't find anything.
When I select anything it shows me extra formatting or element details as in the picture (goes for everything selectable in the score, not just rests and bars). You can also see all the ledger lines in grey from each staff making a mess everywhere.
Is this a bug or am I missing some option somewhere?


In reply to by Shoichi

Thanks for the response.

Revert did not help in my case.

I'm running Windows 10 64bit with Musescore 2 ver. 2.0.3 rev 3c7a69d

Interesting note is that I need to run Musescore shortcut with -d for it to open. Other "fixes" like turning on windows firewall etc don't help me in this regard.

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