How to insert lyrics on a jazz leadsheet without notation

• Aug 30, 2011 - 00:24

Hi guys,

Does anyone know how I can input lyrics under my leadsheet measures without first entering a note or a melody? I just want to have the chords on top and the lyrics, that's all. Thanks!


I can think of a couple of ways:

- enter the lyrics as staff text (set the style to display belw the staff if it isn't already)


- enter notes then mark them invisible

In reply to by davidr30

Text styles are set via styles -> edit text style. Scroll the list you'll see at left until you find "staff text", then alter the "Y" parameter, which controls the vertical position. Although if you are using the jazz lead sheet template, I'm pretty sure it would already be set to display below the staff.

Each lyric sylable needs a beat placeholder to which to attach, so put in rests to which you can attach them. If you want visible whole rests, you could fill the measures with invisible shorter rests in another voice.

-- J.S.

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