How do you make more insterments fit on one page???

• Sep 1, 2011 - 04:20

Please help, I am currently trying to compose a piece but there is not enough room on the page! I tried "add more stretch" and "add less stretch" but nothing works..... it is very frustrating, so if you have any tips please feel free to post them.


"Stretch" goes sideways, you need up and down. There isn't a specific up and down adjustment, but there is an overall size adjustment.

On the little top row, click on "Layout" then click "Page Settings". In the far left column about midway down, there's a box that says "Scaling", and it contains a variable called "space". This is what you want to adjust. You may want to tweak the "Stretch" afterwards, too.

-- J.S.

In reply to by John Sprung

The "space" parameter controls the sizes of the staves themselves. There is also the distance between the staves of a given system, and the distance between systems, both of which are set in Style->Edit General Style->Page. Between these settings (stretch, space, taff distance, system distance), you can get pretty much anything you want.

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