*.mscz treated as *.zip on GNU/Linux

• Sep 2, 2011 - 12:50

On GNU/Linux (Linux at all?) file system type of file is inside file, not outside. Because of that *.mscz files are still treated as *.zip – extension doesn't change that – so opening *.mscz file is a little complicated. Double‑clicking on *.mscz file opens archive manager. Changing default program fore *.mscz to MuseScore also changes default program for *.zip files.


There are also programs like Avidemux which doesn't allow to open movies without extension. But this is not in the Linux way of recognizing files types. Because changing this won't collide with Firefox like behaviour, I still wish this will be fixed :)

P.S. I can't imagine using Firefox as a default file manager :P

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

„Changing default program for *.mscz to MuseScore also changes default program for *.zip files.” just because *.mscz IS *.zip file (in GNU/Linux).

I've really tried to make it work. Neither SystemSettings options work properly, nor changes in Dolphin. http://imagecdn.maketecheasier.com/2009/08/video.jpg as you can see here, files are not sorted by extensions but by destiny (or whatever you call that). There are no *.mscz, or any other MuseScore file type. I've check that there is also problem with *.mscx which is treated like a standard XML file instead of MuseScore file.

In reply to by [DELETED] 740606

Well, after thinking about this problem I need to add few words. In fact the problem still exist, but changing KDE settings is very nice workaround. Still it's now Linux‐way and I think that this should be fixed (but it's no longer major bug). The best way to see why it's not as it should be is to remove extension (fore example change name.mscx to name) and try to open it. In Windows there will be problem, but files on Linux has always information about what they are, so after removing extension the file will be still usable. file.xml will be treated as XML file even if extension will be removed. MuseScore files should work the same way but when I remove .mscx it's treated as XML and after double‐click MuseScore isn't launching :(

I've solved this problem on KDE but what about other graphical environments?

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