Export to MusicXML and Velocity Information

• Sep 14, 2011 - 04:09

Can someone verify in Muse 1.1 that velocity data doesn't export to MusicXML? From my tests it appears you can modify it and save it with the native muse format but once exported, the velocity data is lost.


Dynamics are exported without velocity value. On import, MuseScore will try to make the velocity change from the dynamic type. I guess sound suggestions should be used.
Velocity change on a single note via Note properties -> Velocity is not exported indeed. I'm not sure MusicXML has an element for this.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

The DTD of the note element suggests to me that this should indeed be possible. I would disagree with sound selection as an option. Consider a piano piece recorded from a midi keyboard with a wide range of dynamics specific to one sound. To export this from MuseScore via XML for import into another MusicXML application would mean loss of the expressive nature of the piece.

Granted, I haven't tried XML import/Export on other apps to see if the dynamics attributes are handled at this time.

Search on 'dynamics'

    The position and printout entities for printing suggestions
    are defined in the common.mod file.
    The dynamics and end-dynamics attributes correspond to
    MIDI 1.0's Note On and Note Off velocities, respectively.
    They are expressed in terms of percentages of the default
    forte value (90 for MIDI 1.0). The attack and release
    attributes are used to alter the starting and stopping time
    of the note from when it would otherwise occur based on
    the flow of durations - information that is specific to a
    performance. They are expressed in terms of divisions,
    either positive or negative. A note that starts a tie should
    not have a release attribute, and a note that stops a tie
    should not have an attack attribute. If a note is played
    only particular times through a repeat, the time-only entity
    shows which times to play the note. The pizzicato attribute
    is used when just this note is sounded pizzicato, vs. the
    pizzicato element which changes overall playback between
    pizzicato and arco.

In reply to by charlesrthompson

I suspect if you're importing from MIDI, you've got bigger MusicXML problems than just dynamics. I have't tried, but I really doubt all the individual timings would be preserved, either - I would bet you'd end up with everything quantized. Not to mention complete loss of all controller info. Making it so a MIDI performance even plays back the same upon import to MuseScore is already a pretty big task, it seems to me, independent of what is or is not exported to MusicXML. This kind of ties in with other recent threads regarding the extent to which it makes sense for MuseScore to focus on MIDI issues at all.

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