reconstructing score from midi-in

• Oct 4, 2016 - 13:13

Has anyone done work on automating the process of cleaning up a score after midi-in?
There are tasks to do, some easy and some tedious and difficult.
1. find the correct key signature(s)
2. correct the accidentals to be reasonable for the key signature
3. find repeated phrases and insert repeat dots with voltas

There are probably lots more heuristic things which need to be done, just wondering if anyone has automated this or parts of this?


The MIDI file should already have the key signature in it it, and MuseScore should then automatically pick reasonable accidentals. If your MIDI file hads the wrong key signature, perhaps it make most sense to correct that before importing it?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Interesting, the last MIDI file I imported, simply imported in the key of C. I examined it for a while and finally figured out what the most reasonable key was and then changed the key to Ab as most of the B's D's, E's and A's seemed to be flattened. Or maybe it was that I found lots of A#, C#, D# and G# in the score along the the corresponding naturals. In the mean time I've forgotten.

That description smacks of “concert pitch” to me.   Some instruments, by convention, are not scored as they sound, and MuseScore knows about these conventions.   Try toggling the “concert pitch” button and see if the notes are now displayed as you expect them to be.

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