Final Fantasy IX Medley

• Sep 24, 2011 - 17:29

I've been working on this for a while. I've entitled it "The Summoner's Journey" because it sort of fits the series of the music. I've got it in this order: "The Place I'll Return to Someday," "Jesters of the Moon," "Eternal Harvest," "Rose of May," "Reckless Steiner," "Decisive Battle," "Melodies of Life."

It's arranged for orchestra (minus percussion). I did leave off a few instruments, like saxophone, bass clarinet, and viola, because I was doing a "rough draft," if you will. I fully intend to add them in when I finalize the piece. I know the transitions aren't very good. Any suggestions you have would be wonderful. It's a bit long, so be patient in listening, please. Don't just skip from beginning to end and say, "Oh, I didn't like it." Some parts are more entertaining than others, as in every song.

If anyone sees mistakes or has ideas on how to improve it, I would gladly accept. (Note that for the most part, I haven't added in much articulation yet.)

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FF9 Medley.mscz 100.87 KB


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