New ebook available – MuseScore: The Essential Beginner's Guide

• Sep 26, 2011 - 12:47

MuseScore users might be interested in my new ebook – MuseScore: The Essential Beginner's Guide. It's available at a special launch price for 4 days.

The book contains step-by-step tutorials showing you how to publish, play and share your music. For more information, visit

25% of each sale will be donated back to the MuseScore project.

All the best


Thank you very much for writing this book Katie! It's clear you've put a tremendous amount of time and passion into this book. I also see your book as a very important milestone for the MuseScore project to reach even more people and help them master the software. The release of this book is definitely one of my personal highlights of 2011! Also a big thanks to everyone who was involved: David Bolton, Shannon Hurley, Samuel Wright, Laura Wright, Nicolas Froment, Werner Schweer and reviewers.

Terrific work indeed!

Is there any idea / project about translating it? English is of course widely used (and understood), but in some music community such a knowledge is not so common (like, unfortunately, here in Italy); translations could help...



In reply to by Miwarre

Yes - I do have plans to have it translated. I was going to start with the top 5 countries according to the download statistics. I'm also thinking of making a video version of the book too. I wanted to start off with the first (English) version and get that out of the way before moving on to other versions!

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