Option to disable adding beam automatically.

• Sep 28, 2011 - 13:19

I hope I'll be understood… I'm neither composer, nor after music school. I'm just singing in choir and I wanted to rewrite some sheets using MusicScore. Usually I've got problem with beams. They are automatically added when I don't want them. It's really frustrating. I can of course remove them later but why don't just add options to disable this? I saw two topics about the same problem but it seams they are „dead” since year or two…


I think this would be nice for types of music as well. More generally, though, a lot of us would want the ability to control default beaming rules for a variety of situations. For examlle, in my world, an eighth and two sixteenths are always beamed together within a beat, as are an eighth and sixteenth note triplets. However, the presence of a sixteenth subdivision (ie, a sixteenth note or a dotted eighth) within a beat means you must beam each beat separately. So eighth, two sixteenths, two eighths do *not* alll get beamed together, but rather, beat by beat. There are also diffeent conventions for the treatment of eight eighths in a measure - beam them all, or beam in group of two beats (I use the latter). I know this topic has been discussed before, but don't know if it got anywhere in terms of actually thinking through how it would work.

Meanwhile, though, to help in the case at hand, I'd also suggest an almost equally useful but easier-to-implement alternative that could be considered for 2.0 if the more general beaming preferences would have to wait: allow the various beaming buttons/shortcut to work on a selected region. Then you could enter the music normally, select all, hit the start of beam command, then manually connect beams just for the melismas.

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