My ideas for musescore

• Oct 16, 2011 - 11:34

First of all I have to thank for the developers that are doing a great job with this program.
My ideas are:
->I use musescore in spanish but when I want to start a new composition I would prefer to see the names of the instruments in spanish, because some instruments have almost the same spelling in spanish but others not. I have been looking for an instrument called in Spanish "Cortina" but I didn't find it because the instruments are in english. I tried to translate it directly but the translator shows the another meaning that "cortina"has.
->I would like that the instruments, when I play my score, do the articulations, because I'll not have the chace to make a band to play my score and I want the wav. format with the same music that would sound if a band play the song.
I know that It can be a diffcult job, that requieres a lot of hours of work, but I'm patient and I'll wait for this improvements as long as it requiered.


To view the instruments in Spanish, go to Edit -> Preferences -> General. In 'Lista de instrumentos", click on the blue folder and pick instruments_es.xml. Restart MuseScore and create a new score.

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