More tempo and another texts, paste pictures

• Nov 10, 2011 - 13:15


I want to suggest some things for the developers.

I want to setting up own tempos without editing the defaults. I suggest "Add a new tempo" button and a searcher for chosing tempos.

I was use Sib before change to MuseScore and I remember more text adding variations. More default text modes and prepared extensions for caracters, playing instructions and so one.
I think the text's rotating function is very usefull to composers, I suggest this option to the next version.

Add picture to the score.
I want to add some picture to my score and I don't want to use text editor for it. I thint it will be very useful to pasting pictures.
(sizing, rotating, background to alpha, cropping, mirror, change colour)

I like very much MuseScore with the online saving mode, and the simple using and a beautiful score seen and a lotof small things. Perticularly the Hungarian language is the most positive thing in this app.


I believe your request reg. Tempi and text have already been done in the next version, check the prerelease versions.

Adding pictures is possibly already and as easy as drag and drop. Works for (at least) jpg and png.
rotating, background to alpha, cropping, mirror, change color don't work though, only sizing.

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