slow motion

• Nov 26, 2011 - 14:43

hi again,
the problem this time is with me, since im not very familier with the terms used in music theory very much. i hoped you could tell me what im looking for:
- i need to make the song gradualy lower its volume in the end of the midi until it dissapears.
- i need to make some notes gradualy speed up - im not sure if there is a symbol that does that automaticly or i have to to it manualy by myself.


Getting quieter = diminuendo, also known as decresendo. The. Arking that denotes this is sometimes called a hairpin, and that's what it is called in the Handbook.

Slowing down = rallentando or ritardando (abbreviated rall and rit).

None of these are played back automatically, so you'd have to modify the playback manually, using Note Properties to affect volume and Tempo Text to affect speed. There is also a plugin you cam install (see menu at right of this page) to automate playback ot hairpins to some extent.

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