
• Mar 27, 2009 - 20:42


The tempo is now re-setable via the play panel display, thank you, and the whole system seems better.

However, I am getting erratic re-sets to 120 bbm, and I don't think I am doing anything identifiable that i can see.



In reply to by David Bolton

Hi David.

This is just not working.

I have set the tempo text numerous times, saving, and when I reload the score, the text is gone and the tempo reverts to 360 this score.
As you can see from today's other messages, I am having trouble with this score. I wonder if there is something in this particular score that is a problem. Otherwise, there is a series of problems with this release.

I have now loaded other scores and the text is missing from them all. Is it possible that the installation has become corrupted? I didn't notice this problem previously.

I have now uninstalled and reinstalled r1667. No text.


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