Page Formatting

• Dec 4, 2011 - 02:03

Sorry if this subject has already been discussed, but I have no idea how to search for it.

I am writing a score with 13 parts and they will not move onto the first page (when there is clearly enough space for them) until I move the composer name off the screen. The software seems to think that the title, or box, or composer, or something is blocking it. Please help!



Posting the score - even just the first measure of it - would help. But most likely, it's just going to come down to your page settings not actually leaving as much as you think there is. Between the page layout and page general style settings, there are any number of things (too large a bottom margin, too large a intersystem space setting, too large a vframe bottom margin setting, etc) that coud be preventing it from fitting.

In reply to by bobzox_321

One thing you could try is to go to Layout > Page settings and reduce the amount under scaling. This will reduce the over all size of everything, but you may need only to reduce it a very little amount.


Yeah I used the tutorial to get my answer.
The composer might not have been straight is I dragged it (the title didn't need to be dragged) but I forgot that the box isn't visible on the printout.

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