What should do the rest button not in note input mode?

• Nov 2, 2016 - 21:22

It doesn't seem to do anything except when a bar rest is selected, clicking the button enter a rest, but not when another rest or a note is selected.
And when you enter note input mode, the rest button is unselected for you.
So, should this button be disabled when not in note input mode?

Note that its role in note input mode is also unclear for me: when pressed, the keys to enter notes (a, b, c, ...) enter a rest, but why do we have '0' then? And if I press '0' it also enters a rests but at the same time it deselects the rest button?


Good question. One possibility is to act as a "delete" command - replaces the selection with rests.

The role in note input mode is straightforward: it makes it so that clicking enters a rest instead of a note. It has no real purpose if using the keyboard only to enter notes and rests, but it is totally necessary when using the mouse.

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