All of my .mscx files are gone!!

• Nov 5, 2016 - 01:37

I tried to open a score to work on today and all of my .mscx files are gone. There are just the .mscz files and Windows doesn't know how to handle them and tries to go to the app store.

How could all of my files have just disappeared? Is there some setting I might have inadvertently switched off or on?

Just to be straight, the actual filename should read "filename.mscx"

and the zipped backup should read ",filename.mscz," including the commas.
Is this correct?

There are no commas on any of the .mscz files and all .mscx files are gone.

Could I have missed an update or something? I have been using my laptop recently as we are moving and getting settled and this is the first time in a while that I have used the desktop that has this problem.


Indeed, unless you went out of your way - using "Save As" and then changing the file type - to use MSCX - then MuseScore would normally use MSCZ. So if you did in fact go out of your way to use MSCX every time you saved a score, then by all means, that is what you should be looking for. Otherwise, though, you should be looking for MSCZ.

So the MSCZ files you have - with no commsa - most likely are exactly the right files. Open MuseScore, use File / Open, and choose one of those file - my guess is it will open right up.

If your OS doesn't automatically open MuseScore when you double click on one of those MSCZ files in Explorer, then probably somehow it has forgotten the file association for some reason (a bug, in the OS perhaps). But it should be easy to re-establish the association. Just do a Google search for "file associations Windows 8" (or whatever your OS is) to learn how.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I've tried associating the files in Windows 10 and the filetype doesn't show up as options either by filetypes or by apps. It's like Windows isn't seeing MuseScore any more.

I guess It's no big deal. I mean, it's not like I was using the .mscx files for anything, though I have in the past. For them to just up and disappear is just strange. Especially since I haven't used this PC in three months or more.

The OSs on the desktop and the laptop are both up to date. I can't think of anything else it might be. I'll just have to open the program before opening any scores from now on I guess.

Thanks for the insight.

Problem solved. At least part way anyway. I simply went into settings -> Apps and Features highlighted the app, went to Related Settings at the bottom of the page and clicked Programs and features, found the program, right clicked and clicked "repair" and that took care of it.

I still can't see the .mscx files but Windows Explorer recognizes the filetype again.

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