What is this articulation?

• Nov 7, 2016 - 01:00

Double tongue? (both parts are for große flöte, but similar parts are also found on the violine)


Given that the notes marked with the double 'staccato' dots are also marked to be played as tremolos, I would presume the composer intended those notes to be played as staccato in the indicated tremolo rhythm (which is two played notes for each written note in this case). It is also likely that this effect is intended to continue for the following measures, in which the double staccato dots are omitted; this would be analogous to marking the first measure or two of a series of triplets with the '3' and omitting it after that (as has been done here) so long as the context made it obvious.

In reply to by Recorder485

I think it very safe to say the slash through the stem is a shorthand for "divide this note into sixteenths", and the two dots above a note means each of the two sixteenths gets a dot. It's still somewhat of an open question what is meant by having both a dot and a slur line over the passage - this type of notation can mean different things in different contexts, and I don't know enough about this context to venture a guess.

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