Volume variations in drumset playback

• Nov 10, 2016 - 10:23

2.0.3 / Win 7/10

Open the attached file. Turn all effects off (Synthesizer > Master Effecs). Listen to the 2-measure Bass drum pattern with "Loop playback" turned on. There are unexpected random variations in the volume level. You can check this by observing the peak reading on the volume meter (Synthesizer).

Attachment Size
volume_variations.mscz 8.71 KB


I'm not hearing it or seeing it, but maybe you are talking about something more subtle than what might be apparent just listening through computer speakers or watching the meter with the naked eye? If you export to mp3, do you still hear it? How about if you export to MIDI and play the file with another program? Is there a regular variation to the pattern you are perceiving or is it random? Does the effect persis if you slow the tempo down a lot? I'm kind of guessing maybe the places where there are are two hits in a row (2& followed 3, or 4& followed by 1) still have just enough decay from the first note lingering that it is creatying the illusion of the second note being louder.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Win 10 pro / SB Audigy / MS 2.0.3 (portable) / FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3

Win 7 Home Premium / High definition Audio device (set to "Windows Direct sound" in "Preferences") / MS 2.0.3 / FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3

Keep an eye on the peaks of the volume meter.

In reply to by geetar

I tried and neither saw nor heard any variation. It would help if you posted an audio clip or screenshot video so we could see what you are seeing, so we know what to look for. But so far, all evidence is that this is just some quirk of your particular system, maybe the soundcard is struggling to keep up or something.

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