Drumline Soundfont

• Nov 14, 2016 - 18:31

I can't seem to get the soundfont to stick with the music I'm writing. I write drumline music so I downloaded the drumline sound font and I went in to the mixer and the synthesizer and made the changes I would make to make it play in other scores (like I did when I made a mallet score) and it's not playing it correctly. If you could just explain what I need to do that'd be awesome. Thank you.


The necessary sounds are already built in to MuseScore if you are using the current version (2.0.3). No need to download or install any third party soundfonts. So start by uninstalling that. If this doesn't fix the problem right away, then attach the score you are having trouble with and we can see what is going on.

In reply to by Parkourartist11

To attach a score here, simply click the "File attachments" link right below where you type your reply. That's much more direct than giving us the name of a score to go searching for. But anyhow, I did manage to find a score by that name on musescore.com, presumably that's the one you mean.

It isn't clear how you created this score, in particular how you chose to define the drumsets for these instruments. They don't appear to to be the defaults at all. Did you maybe try following directions for a very old obsolete version of MuseScore? Not surprising that doesn't work.

You should be adding your instruments directly from the "Marching Percussion" section of the Instruments dialog using all the defaults.

To customize how the keyboard shortcuts work for any particular drumset - and each instrument has its own drumset definition - right click the staff and see Edit Drumset. Read the Handbook to learn more about how drum notation works in MuseScore.

In reply to by Parkourartist11

Not sure what you mean by "stacked" in this context, but if you mean several notes in one chord (eg, all same duration & sharing a stem) then simply enter them normally as described in the Handbook in the section on drum notation (eg, using Shift if typing, or just clicking on the staff, or I believe entering both at once works with a MIDI input device).

If you're saying you actually want the notes in *different* voices, you can also use the drumset editor to change the defaults. You can also use the voice buttons to change the voice after selecting the note from the palette but before clicking in the score, or to move a note to another voice after entering it.

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