Add a stem?

• Nov 18, 2016 - 17:00

I have a half note D (open string on a violin) that I want played as a double stop (4th finger on G string and open D) so I need to have stems going both up and down. How do I accomplish this (I'm just trying Muse for the first time so please bear with me).


In reply to by azumbrunn

If this post originally made you wonder what I was saying, I fixed it.

Making a voice 2 rest invisible only moves the voice 1 rest into its proper place if they are the exact length. You can't make voice 1 a 1/4 note followed by a 1/4 rest and in voice 2 beats 1 & 2 a half rest invisible and have voice 1 rest move down to its normal spot. You also can't have 2 1/8th rests at beat 2 in voice 2 to and have a 1/4 rest on beat 2 in voice 1 move to its normal spot. Same is true of notes in voice one with rests in another voice. The rests in voice 2 (or any other) have to be the same length as voice 1. This should probably be considered a bug.

The exception to this is if you hide all notes and rests in a voice, then it doesn't matter the length. I use this to put a dynamic symbol on the last beat of the measure when I have a long note with a crescendo/decrescendo ending the measure. MS doesn't care which voice a dynamic symbol is in, it is applied to the whole staff.

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