Trouble with file import plugin

• Jan 28, 2012 - 01:10

Downloaded Dolet but doesn't help with importing finale files.
Any suggestion?


What file import plugin are you referring to? MuseScore cannot import Finale files directly, but it should be be able to open MusicXML files exported from Finale just fine - no plugins required.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

As far as I know, the version of the plugin that ships with Finale is the up-to-date version - no download is required (unlike the case with Sinelius until last year).

In any case, more details woild definitely help. But my guess is the process soimply wasn't clear and he was either trying to install the Dolet plugin in MuseScore, or wasn't understanding that he had to export the file as MusicXML from Finale.

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