Creating smaller score, flexibility of moving staves

• Feb 8, 2012 - 18:39

Am pretty new to Musescore, used to use Sibelius. I got through my first score (it's a vocal score) and it's way too big. So I went to layout/pagesettings and tried to make everything smaller. It obliged but the text is way teeny except for the expression marks which are way big. It does not configure nicely on the pages. I can't make the distance between the staves change effectively either. Any suggestions? Tx.


As always, sample scores would help. Also, tell us how you created the score. Some templates set up specific sizes for elements.

Generally, though, I can say that resizing a score *after* entering all the data doesn't always work the way you want in 1.x. Text handling appears to be much improved in 2.0, but that's still a ways off. For 1.1, I find it better to get the size about right first, then enter note and text. Some text elements do resize properly, others don't. Some appear to not resize, but then will resize upon reload. If your resized text is "way teeny", then it must have already been on the small side before the resize - it should resize to scale if it resizes at all. You can often upsize the text by right clicking an element, choose text properties, changing font size, and clicking the "apply to all similar elements". But this doesn't work for all text types. For other types, changing the Text Style will have the desired effect, at least upon reload if not immediately. Depends in part on whether it is "ordinary" text or text that it is in some sense "generated" on the fly (eg, measure numbers, chord symbols).

Again, all this is much better in 2.0, but for now, if you have specific scores you have problems with, posting them would help. Most likely, there is a way to get what you want.

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