Bad spacing with lyrics in voice 2 when seconds present

• Feb 24, 2012 - 01:52
S4 - Minor

I'm using nightly 5358 on MacOS X 10.7.3

There appear to be the following two problems if lyrics are attached to notes on voice 2 instead of voice 1

  • the hyphens separating multisyllabic words are not shown properly. Sometimes they do not appear, sometimes they are shown one word to the left of where was intended.
  • the note can bet shifted to the right to make way for notes on voice 1. If this occurs the lyric is also repositioned, but the word to the right does not move and this can overlap.

    e.g. in this example the lyric should be "Who is watch - ing"

    Files attached.

  • Attachment Size
    watching.png 25.22 KB
    test_lyric2.mscz 1.92 KB


    Do you still see this problem? I tried a new score, adding hyphen'd lyrics to voice 1 and 2 in separate measures without troubles.

    However, when I used the sample score I had problems. Something wrong in the sample?

    I still get pretty much the same as shown in the image if I try to recreate that example from scratch. And as I mentioned, the missing hyphen actually shows up a ways to the right (perhaps several measures later).

    You mean the hyphen between "watch" and "ing"? I don't see this problem at all. Only when I use the example score do things get very weird, but one from scratch on my system shows no issues, in either voice. In the example, notice how the lyrics are far too high, and that's were a Ctrl-R puts them as well. Weird!


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    115.png 13.74 KB

    It seems to happen only when a note is shifted to the right because of unison or second interval between the two voices, and only when the measure width is not stretched.
    See attached file and its pdf export.
    System 1 is the output without adjustments. You can see that in addition to the overlapping lyrics in the E-F and F-F cases (measures 2 and 3) the hyphens moves far to the right.
    System 2 is the output when the stems of the E and F are flipped (so that the attach positions of the stems correspond to the ones for voice 1). The lyrics are ok in this case.
    System 3 is exactly like system1, but stretched. The lyrics are ok also in this case and also the hyphen position.
    System 4 shows that when voice 2 appears to the left of a second interval there is no lyrics overlapping problem.
    Windows 8.1, commit 6c5b016

    Attachment Size
    test_lyrics_2nd_voice.mscz 2.13 KB
    test_lyrics_2nd_voice.pdf 14.68 KB
    Title [Trunk] Issues with lyrics added to voice 2 Bad spacing with lyrics in voice 2 when seconds present

    Yes, only with second, and only in measures with relatively tight spacing. It's not just any stretch that fixes it - it has to be enough stretch to actually allow everything to fit without any additional lyric-induced stretch.

    This lyrics problem is exhibited on any displaced note regardless of voice. So, in choral music cases where voice 1 goes below voice 2 and voice 1 is displaced right, words can overlap slightly. The overlap is just more prevalent in voice 2.

    No stretch.

    Decreased stretch

    Manually adjusting the words from the inspector, to line them up better under the note groupings, fixes the issues. I would do this most times anyway, but an automagic solution would be great.

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    121.png 13.63 KB