What's the general consensus of double sharps?

• Dec 17, 2016 - 06:09

What's the general consensus of double sharps among musicians? I was writing a little arrangement for a Trombone quartet and the original song was in a sharp key, so I followed the advice of someone in this thread ( https://musescore.org/en/node/38426 ) in order to change it to a flat key signature for easier reading. When I did this a bunch of double flats showed up, so I wanted to know what most people think of these. Would it be better and easier for people to read if I were to change them to naturals, or should I just leave them be? Thanks.


Forget theory and do whatever makes the score easier to read. Depending upon the following notes this might mean that a natural occurs as the only accidental in the bar but if you have to follow the natural with a flat again just to get back on-key than this might cause confusion. Inexperienced musicians will benefit and experienced musicians shouldn't care.

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