Consider changing focus from Delete to Create when Parts dialog opens

• Feb 26, 2012 - 15:58
Graphical (UI)
S5 - Suggestion

Hi, I'm new to composing and was thrilled to find MuseScore - many thanks to all who have contributed.

I am creating a score with a number of synthesizer parts; I export the parts as MIDI files to bring them into a DAW (I'm using Reaper). As a novice to both composing and MuseScore I might not be a typical MuseScore user, but for me at least, I rarely open the Parts dialog to delete a part. Most commonly I open it to create a part after altering the score; my second most common use is to create a New part. However, when the Parts dialog opens, the Delete button has focus, which means hitting the Enter key deletes whatever part is currently selected. Delete seems like a counter-intuitive choice for the default button. I think it would be worth considering shifting the default to Create Part.

Thanks again to everyone who has contributed to this incredible product.
