Currently MuseScore doesn't read the unpitched instrument definition in part and doesn't map them with the in note. As a result, unpitched percussion are not sounding right when one import a MusicXML file.
Initial implementation done in revision 5595. Drumset is read OK, but two issues remain:
- notes are drawn on inccorect staff line
- notes still do not sound like drums (saving to and loading from MuseScore format fixes this)
Initial implementation done in revision 5595. Drumset is read OK, but two issues remain:
- notes are drawn on inccorect staff line
- notes still do not sound like drums (saving to and loading from MuseScore format fixes this)
Hi Leon
Just wanted to let you know about this: #13249: [Trunk] Drum notes in systems after first appear octaves below
Also this: #15064: [MusicXML] [Trunk] Drum note on the incorrect line
Just incase you weren't aware the issues were filed :).
Thanks for the reminders (I had forgotten about those).
Drum sound problem is fixed in revision 5596, but notes are still drawn on incorrect staff line.
Seems to work now in revision 5597 (at least for the percussion clef).
Yes, it seems to work - thank you again :).
Do you want to mark this (and the other issues) as fixed?
Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5597) - Mac 10.7.3.
When you talk of the percussion clef, is it this?: #14981: [Trunk] Percussion clef incorrectly positioned on non-5-line stave
Because there's no more problems, I'm not sure if it was exclusive to MusicXML (despite saying to open the MusicXML).
The drum notes are drawn on the correct line but only for percussion and G clef. This still needs fixing for other clefs.
Unless it's for staff sharing, what uses for clefs, other than percussion, would there be on a drum line?
Closing the issue, as everything seems to work OK as of commit d8dd3237d2.
According to Wikipedia, bass clef used to be common for percussion notation.