Op. 1: Four Preludes for Solo Piano

• Apr 8, 2012 - 19:09

These are the first pieces I ever wrote. They're, of course, not amazing, but I think they're at least deserving of a listen. Prelude in C is intended not to really be a part of the actual set. It's the equivalent of a B-side, I suppose. Please tell what you think. Thanks.

Attachment Size
Prelude 1 in a.mscz 4.41 KB
Prelude 2 in e.mscz 5.45 KB
Prelude 3 in g.mscz 5.68 KB
Prelude 4 in d.mscz 9.91 KB
Prelude in C.mscz 3.63 KB


For first pieces, they're all pretty great! I would suggest learning modulation, as they all stay staunchly in their home key. Apart from that, they are definitely, as you said worth a listen. I eagerly await Op. 2!

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