Collaborative Work Thread 2.0

• Apr 11, 2012 - 03:32

Thread created for the collaboration of genesis_piano, iHasCheese, and myself.


Ok. I have attached everything to the point where we left off:

If you only want to check out one of these, look at the next paragraph. Also I posted music by IHasCheese and Johann under the dotted (---) lines below.

First Movement is everything we did together. It's eight bars of slightly sad longing, the way I hear it. I altered the oboe's melody at the end, thinking that it might be nice to have the harmony unresolved until the beginning of the passage If it's too dissonant to you, we can change it back to an "a." I think we should plot out the chord progression.

Piano trio begin oboe has the cello with two note chords rather than the more melodic line in First Movement. It occurs to me we might want to try to mix the two.

Piano trio beginning 1a goes back a step further. IHasCheese's oboe melody isn't in it yet, and Johann's original cello chords are.

No Rest for the Wicked or Three Widows is for the second movement.


IHasCheese's / Robert J. Smith's "To Challenge the Skies and Heavens Above" is at

Johann's Cantata is attached below.

Talked to my piano instructor today. Man the guy knows so much!

He helped me conclude that writing down all the chords to First Movement would not be particularly helpful. He called it atonal, but in a broader sense than I've used the word.

So I now take plotting the chord progression off the table. Let's just write! And to get us started, I laid out the next eight bars. I'm hoping they are similiar enough to what we've already done that we can use material from this rough draft of mine. I'll try to put them up tomorrow.

In reply to by iHasCheese

Glad to hear your take on it, IHas, If you've the time and inclination, you could alter what I've proposed or even dump it wholesale, Show me how it would read according to your ear.

Each of us has different taste. But this is a team effort,. I don't claim to have set in stone the way the melody or any other part of the piece this should flow. That's the beauty of our collaborative efforts - we all give it a go and see where we end up. I'm not attached to getting it exactly my way. My hope is that we would all work together to create something more beautiful than what any one of us might make on his own.

In reply to by iHasCheese

No, I didn't take what you said to be critical at all. You thought it might be more consonant, that's what I got out of what you said. Nothing rude about that.

And anyway, how can we make it better if none of us expresses how we feel about the piece? Don't worry about it - you gave an idea where the piece might be improved. You were honest about what you thought, and in no way condescending. I didn't feel attacked or put down at all. My piece and myself are two separate things. To make suggestions for change on the piece is much different than attacking me.

Too many words here, I know. I just want to reassure you - "no harm, no foul." I'm encouraged you see a direction we might take the piece to make it better.

In reply to by matthias.hoefler

Hey guys.

I have a blog about writing music. If you'll excuse the blatant blog pimping, it's here:

Some of my recent posts might interest you:

Blues aab form and abc
Strong and Weak Basslines Using Consonance and Dissonance
Connections between Music and Art
Music and Fibonacci’s scales
Diminished Scales
Turning Words into Melodies

There are many others. My hope is if you seen these topics before, I'll be able to remind you of something useful with them.

My biology prof would always say, “Here's the take home lesson.” My aim is that these posts be things you can “take home” and use in your playing and composing after you've read them. There's so much to learn when it comes to the incredible amount of material surrounding the idea of writing and performing music.

Come join the conversation! It's later than you think.

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