uninstall 0.9.4 mscore

• Apr 29, 2009 - 19:17

I've downloaded, unpacked, compiled and installed mscore 0.9.4 as per instructions written in the readme :

in the directory mscore 0.9.4 via terminal I've written the command "make release"

everything has gone ok ( still remaining the bug "Save as" that doesn't work")

now I'like to uninstall all in order to download the version for ubuntu 9.04
could you tell me how can I do it
through which commands?
many thanks


pls take note:
the command "sudo make uninistall" reply as follw
gic@gic-desktop:~/Scrivania/mscore-0.9.4$ sudo make unistall
[sudo] password for gic:
make: *** Nessuna regola per creare l'obiettivo «unistall». Arresto.
how can I do to uninstall mscore 0.9.4 ?
many thanks

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