First step Done.

• May 3, 2012 - 08:48

finished my first piece with musescore. An Andante in G minor for cello.

Attachment Size
Andante.mscz 2.45 KB


Was your use of 1/4 and 2/4 measure intended to indicate a pick-up beat but had trouble doing so? If it was, you can do this without changing from 3/4 by right-clicking on a measure and selecting Measure Properties and changing the "Actual Duration" to 1/4, 2/4 or whatever you need. You can place a repeat symbol in the middle of a bar (between the 2nd and 3rd beats in this case) by clicking on the last note in the bar and then double-clicking on the repeat symbol from the Barlines palette (but note that whilst this looks OK but sometimes it doesn't play back the repeats correctly).

Second step is to add an accompanist.

Third step add dynamics, ornaments etc. to aid playback.

Attachment Size
Temp_Andante.mscz 3.4 KB

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