Playback only begins at start

• Jan 17, 2017 - 03:26

In the middle of a session the playback just stopped working from the indicated note and would jump all the way to the beginning. I have seen this addressed in
as well as

I see that it has been fixed in the 2.0 upgrade, but I am using 2.0.3 on a windows 10 machine.

This just started in the middle of a project.

I tried restarting the program and then the whole computer but no luck.

As noted in one of the links above, if the Play Repeats button is in the off position, everything is fine. but turn it back on and the problem reoccurs.

Should I reinstall the program from the website?


It's not really clear what you mean. Can you attach the score you are having problems with and give precise steps to reproduce the problem?

Reinstalling doesn't usually change anything, but it wouldn't hurt to try Help / Revert to Factory Settings.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I figured it out. I was missing a coda and trying to start playback from after the "TO CODA" marking on the score. I got rid of the Sengo and it's fine. once I figure out where the coda is going to and put it in and then put the Sengo back it should work fine I think.

Thanks for responding so quickly!

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