getting music onto a CD

• Jan 17, 2017 - 16:37

A competition I am entering has requested a CD copy of the music I've written. What I suppose I need to do is burn it somehow, but my knowledge of computers is quite paltry and I haven't the first clue how I'd go about it, short of recording it on my phone, which probably wouldn't do. if there is any way I can do this, please can you tell me how? if not, is there an alternative such as using a memory stick instead of a CD?
many thanks, George Shillingford


Open your score;
File/Export -> Select Audio Wave;


Insert a blank CD into your CD/DVD burner (There is definitely a software on your machine / PC);
Drag your *.wav file in the recorder dialog box -> Burn
Or drag your files on the USB device (you can export it also in one of the other available formats)
Welcome, good luck and...Buona musica.

An example of 'file formats' dimensions


If you're on a Mac system, I can give you precise step-by-step instructions using iTunes. If not, search the internet for "burn CD from WAV files on [Windows]/[Linux]" and you should find tutorials.

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