Varying horizontal length of music

• May 13, 2012 - 19:40

I'm a music teacher trying to create a rhythm worksheet. I am struggling with the layout of the worksheet and haven't found any advice in previous forums.
I would like to have the first couple lines of the page be only two measures long, each. When I add line breaks, the program spreads the width of the measures across the page. I've tried less stretch, but it won't let the last measure of the line be only an inch or so wide.
After about 5 lines of music (the breakdown of 6/8 rhythms), I would like full length lines (i.e. I cannot change the page margins). In Sibelius or Finale, I would do this by entering format view and manually dragging the end of the system until it is the length I would like.
I've included a picture of the worksheet in progress. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

A side note: this program is fantastic!!! I have all of my students composing and arranging using Musescore. The are able to send me their files and I can make suggestions and send the files back to them. Thank you!!!

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Thanks for the kind words :) Did you try using to communicate with your students?

Remove the line break, select the measure after the line break and go to Create -> Measure -> Insert horizontal frame. Then drag the line break symbol from the palette to the frame. You double click the frame to change its width.

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