My horn parts are corrupted showing, and I do not know how to fix it. Help..

• Jan 20, 2017 - 10:59

So, in one of my pieces, the notes will not show up in certain measures of the horn parts, but it shows up on the score and the other parts for the piece. I tried to simply delete the measures and make new ones, but it is the same problem. The other parts are shown, but the horn parts are just blank, and will not let me write anything. And worse, when I try to delete the horn parts or any tabs that have the french horns in them, Musescore just shuts down completely!
I'm not sure what to do anymore. My horn files seem to have been corrupted or has glitched out because of the amount of kilobytes used to make this piece.
Does anyone have any advice to fix this this?
It says that my horn files are corrupted, but it still will not let me delete the part.
And as a note, it lets me delete parts like cornets. But the horns parts with the blank measure where it won't let me write anything will completely shut down Musescore if I even attempt to delete the files.
I shall provide screenshots to further show the situation.

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In reply to by mike320

Here the fixed score (after deleting and recreating new parts, with the current 2.1dev.) :
Repaired City)_0_2.mscz
No sure (further investigation is needed), but my very first assomption might be related a variant of: #141496: Copy-paste multimeasure rests containing a full measure, or not after cuting, causes corruption/crash

These scenarios "talk" to you ?

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