Voices fail on OS X Lion, on Ubuntu o.k.

• May 22, 2012 - 14:51

When I try to insert a second voice, the voice selection to voice 2 isn't accepted. It seems to switch back to voice 1 and the input fails. New input overwrites voice 1.

On Ubuntu 12.04 all works fine in seconds what didn't work on OS X Lion after hours of useless trials.

On both system the MuseScore version is 1.2.


In general, many people have been doing this successfully, so there must be something specific to your particualr setup - either your installation, your score, or the way you are trying to do it. Could you post a sample score and *specific* steps to reproduce the problem (eg, what buttons to press and in what order)?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

... without changing anything. Nevertheless, many thanks for your fast reply! Possibly there was something locked in a bad state, and a restart of MuseScore or OS X would have helped. But yesterday I didn't even see the color of the marker changing according to the voice number as I saw it in the Ubuntu version and now fortunately on OS X, too. Hopefully it doesn't happen again, it was really annoying, because I wanted to propose MuseScore to a professional musician ...

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