Can not change tempo on Roland drum software

• May 24, 2012 - 02:56

Hi I am new here. I have so far been really impressed with this program. It seems to have the best drum notation I have seen.
I have decided to use it for writing MIDI drum scores for a practice drum program called Roland Drum Tutor (DT-1). It is an excelent teaching program as it gives you feedback through the MIDI interface about your acuracy playing along with the score. Think guitar hero except with real drum notation instead of coloured bars.
Anyway the problem is when I play a score created with Musescore, It seems to be stuck on 120 bpm, I can not change the tempo. When I play other drum loops I got from the internet they play fine and I can change the tempo.

Anyone know what might be causing this?
Is it a bug problem?

David Oh


Are you saying that you create a MIDI file with MuseScore then try to play that file with a different program, and are having changing the tempo with that other program? It seems that would be a question for that other program. MuseScore is presumably recording 120 as the tempo; somehow you have to figure out how to override that in the other program.

I don't think it is the other program. As I mentioned, all other MIDI files not created with Musescore work fine including tempo changing.
I just downloaded the trial of Sibelius and put together a quick score of drums. It plays back withadjustable tempo on the roland software fine. The only problem is that these scores I am putting together are just for my own drum practice. Not commercial. I do not want to put out $600.
I will go back and try again with Muse.

In reply to by Luthierzan

Well unfortunatrly Musescore and the Roland Dum Tutor do not like each other. Which program is the problem, who knows?

When I save a score to a midi file on Muse the Drum tutor will only play it back at 120bpm with no ability to adjust the tempo.
When I play that same file back on Sibelius I can adjust the tempo. If I take that same MIDI file created on Muse, open it on Sibelius then resave it as a MIDI file on Sibelius, it plays with tempo adjustment on the drum tutor.
Go Figure!

Anyone know of another score writing software that saves in MIDI, writes percussion notation, and is free to inexpensive in price?

David Oh

In reply to by Luthierzan

I'm guessing the problem the Roland software has is that it can't by default handle MIDI files that have tempo information embedded within them, and that MuseScore files contain this info but the others you download don't. So you might simply have to consult the documentation to learn how to handle that cas Worst case, open the MIDI file in a MIDI editor and remove the tempo marking.

Definitely worth sorting out, because you aren't going to find better free notation software!

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Well thank you very much guys

I tried changing the tempo in Muse with a tempo text to 72bpm then saved the score to MIDI file. Play back on the Drum Tutor now works perfectly fine. I can totally adjust the tempo on it!
This is great, I was hoping I could keep on using Muse, it really is a nice package for my use.

David Oh

In reply to by Luthierzan

Now that is extremely odd! Something about *how* MuseScore saves the tempo info must be different depending on whether or not a tempo text is used. Someone who is more familiar with MIDI than I might want to use a generic MIDI editor to look at a MIDI file generated by MuseScore with and without tempo text to see what those differences might be.

Anyhow, glad you found a way to get it to work!

I'm glad someone else ran into this before I did. I added a tempo text and now all is well so I can practice my beats inside roland's drum tutor.

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